Take this quiz to find out if your relationship needs a "tune up" or a "major service
If you agree with at least three of these statements, you may want to come in for a "tune up". If you agree with four or more, you are probably due for a "major service". Keep your coupleship running smoothly.
When my partner and I disagree we end up losing our tempers
My partner and I rarely have sex
Drugs and alcohol interfere with our relationship.
We tend to scream and yell at each other when we are angry.
We often go to sleep angry at each other
There are some things we just can’t talk about
We find it difficult to ask for what we need
It is easier to blame our partners than it is to accept our own responsibility.
We are ashamed of ourselves as a couple
We repeat patterns of dysfunction from our families-of-origin
We have stress due to blending families
We have problems with interfering inlaws, ex’s or the other parent
We have extra pressure due to being in a non-traditional relationship such as mixed cultures, LGBTQ, kink and poly.